Build Together

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Building open camp Together #

One of the key principles of open camp is “open”.

Apart from open sourcing any custom materials or projects that we have developed, we intend to develop our curriculum or learning materials publicly as well.

All our materials can be found on Github at opencamp-cc.

If you would like to participate in this process, either as viewer or as an active contributor, you can join us our discussions or our live discussions via one of the following channels:

We welcome anyone from beginners to programming to software developers and leaders to join us any of our Build Together calls.

Guest Speakers #

We are actively looking for guest speakers to share their experience working in the tech industry with our students. Please reach out to if you are keen to share.

Using our materials #

Materials developed by open camp is designed to be usable and accessible by all, and we welcome other schools and bootcamps to use them.

If you would explore running your own open camp in your city or timezone, please send an email to and we can discuss further.

Learn more about open camp and Cohort #0