Instructor Profile

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Instructor Profile #

Name: Victor Neo

Victor Profile Photo

  • Industry Experience: Over 10 years
  • Linkedin


  • Employee and Engineer #1 at Carousell, a unicorn-startup based in Singapore
  • Led and mentored multiple teams consisting of close to a 100 Software Engineers and Engineering Managers
  • Spent the last 2 years (2022 ~ 2023) at a Coding Bootcamp helping over hundreds of students achieve their career goal of becoming a Software Engineer

Reasons for starting open camp #

Everyone deserves a chance to find a job and career that they love. However, the cost of most coding bootcamps around the world have grown exhorbitantly expensive as companies, especially venture backed ones, seek to grow their revenues year on year.

open camp was started to change this - our focus is on lowering the barriers to entry (affordability) while keeping the bar high (challenging). At the same time, we want to keep open camp “open” by allowing anyone to peek into the development process and how the course is run.

After spending almost 10 years in the tech industry as a Software Engineer and Engineering Manager, I joined a coding bootcamp to better understand the challenges faced by prospective students and graduates in securing their first job in the tech industry.

Equipped with this knowledge, I have decided to start open camp to enable more folks to join the tech industry without breaking the bank while learning all the key skills they need to be successful.

Word of warning: open camp is not designed to be easy; it’s designed to help highly motivated folks to challenge themselves to grow and join the tech industry for a chance at a career that they will enjoy for life.

Trivia #

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Started Programming since: 15 years old, back in 2003
  • PC or Console Gaming: Consoles!

Learn more about open camp and Cohort #0